
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

More cakes- Skittles cake

So of course there is always birthdays around here. Recently John's cousin had a birthday party and I was asked to make him a cake that had to do with Skittles. Skittles is a nickname that my husband and his cousin share and of course Skittles are AWESOME! So after surfing the web I came up with the idea to make it look like a skittles candy bag. It ended up being really simple and of course the great surprise was the multicolored cake inside. 
Martha gives a great tutorial here on how to make the rainbow cake:

and here is what the cake turned out like! Love it.

I ended up just dieing some fondant red and then cutting out letters with cookie cutters and painting the rainbow on the "bag" with colored frosting. (Later on after a few comments from my husband, I ended up cutting down the letter i , so it looked a little less like the L) 

Of course I had to make a cake for Easter, would you expect any less! I found this very simple Easter cake on Pinterest. ( Pinterest is awesome)

 I wish my peeps looked like they were in more of a circle, but it tasted the same lol 
Here is the link I found off Pinterest :

DIY Tufted Head board

I have been seeing lots of DIY head boards so I finally took the jump and made my own.
It was so simple and I love the look. The best part, it only costs me about 30.00 for everything. Can't beat that!
First I went to Lowe's and had them cut me a board down to 60" x 48", basically just one straight cut. Costing me only 8.00 for the board. (It doesn't really matter what kind of wood you get, as long as its sturdy, and I'm cheap so this worked perfect)

After I brought it home I drew a few lines and had my very awesome neighbor cut it for me. After that I drilled a few holes for the tufting. I have seen a lot of people do a lot of tufting on their headboards but I have always liked the less is more approach. So I made 8 holes, and measured them out so they were even ( well even enough lol)

After that I took my foam ( just a foam topper from Walmart, only 12.00)
I sprayed the foam and the board and applied. Then cut it down to size.
After that I wrapped it in batting and stapled. 
As soon as I did that I laid the fabric down. ( Some awesome fabric I found at Walmart for only 2.50 a yard, score! I bought 2 1/4 yards)

after pulling it tight, I stapled it around, making sure I kept it tight and smooth. 
I cut down the extras to keep it neat and clean looking on the back.

Last I took some thick string and pulled tight with some fabric covered buttons that I created with the same fabric.

I just love it! Now to get new bedding! I also found some great blogs that have made the same thing and have great tutorials! A must see :